Piano & Poetry, new EP release

 Poetry of G. Sepheris and O. Elytis offer a colorfoul ispiration of images, meanings and sensations! The verses become the starting point for the pianist to “paint” these images through the sound. Enjoy freely through Spotify!



Sappho's Whisper derives inspiration from the birthplace of the great lyrical poet Sappho, The village is located on Lesvos island and is called Eressos. Visiting the place for Summer vacations I had the feeling of listening to Sappho whispering in…

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Luis Paniagua meets with Aliki Markantonatou in the City of Athens (in crisis), January 2016

Many years have passed watching and connecting with the composer-performer of ancient Greek Lyre, Luis Paniagua, through internet. Always feeling that this is a person I would like to meet and play together, without having the slightest idea how this is going to happen, and even more how is it going to be. Easy? Difficult? Strange? 

 I was only feeling a giggle in my heart when I was listening to his music... 

A very precious friend met with him during Summer 2015, Elena-Niskriya Kazantzidi and her words for his exquisite personality dispersed my doubts, and soon we started talking about his visit in Athens. Thanks to Yiota Peklari, Flamenco dancer-choreographer and Yiannis Stathakos, lyre luthier from Xerokampe-Sparta, who both decided in a split of a second to support Luis visit, the risk of bringing a foreigner artist in the Athens of Crisis seemed becoming smaller. 

Support also was there from Themis Rodamitis, experienced festival organiser, who help us book the beautiful theater Proskinio, at Exarchia. 

The time for his arrival came.....Cannot forget the feeling that I am going to receive a very intimate friend....Meeting at the airport all, Luis, me and Elena were deeply touched...Soon in the house full of curiosity for each others lyre, having wine and playing our lyres, and though it was so late, so many things to say until early morning. 

Next day we got ready for Xerokampe experience. So lucky to be Yiannis name day and be in the party that Stathakos organised. People dancing, playing music, and Luis felt like been one of us. A real Greek "glenti" fiesta, where "filoxenia" takes over and the foreigner feels as an honoured guest.  

Concert in Xerokampe next day!!! Chrysostomos Boukalis a wonderful double bass player joined his forces with us. Initially he was invited for 2-3 songs, but his musical abilities and free spirit guided him to a jump of trust into the music!!!So beautiful improvisations, so much joy!!! The three of us felt blessed and knew we had created a harmonious ambient for our audience..... 

Now, me and Luis where tuning to each other deeper and the joy, playfulness and cracks of laughter where there all the time... 

Like children creating a sand tower.....The wind blows and the tower falls, but the joy of creating together remains in the heart. 

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Ancient Greek Lyre

12 strings Ancient Greek Lyre
There is a whole family of string instruments in Ancient Greece such as: Phorminx, Kitharis, Helys, Lyre, Varvitos. Each one has its own characteristics and special sound.  In antiquity the Lyre… Read more